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Revelation chapter 13

Bible Version
And I stoodG2476 on the sandG285 of the sea,G2281 and sawG1492 a beastG2342 riseG305 up out of the sea,G2281 havingG2192 sevenG2033 headsG2776 and tenG1176 horns,G2768 and on his hornsG2768 tenG1176 crowns,G1238 and on his headsG2776 the nameG3686 of blasphemy.G988
And the beastG2342 whichG3739 I sawG1492 was likeG3664 to a leopard,G3917 and his feetG4228 were as the feetG4228 of a bear,G715 and his mouthG4750 as the mouthG4750 of a lion:G3023 and the dragonG1404 gaveG1325 him his power,G1411 and his seat,G2362 and greatG3173 authority.G1849
And I sawG1492 oneG3391 of his headsG2776 as it were woundedG4969 to death;G2288 and his deadlyG2288 woundG4127 was healed:G2323 and allG3650 the worldG1093 wonderedG2296 afterG3694 the beast.G2342
And they worshippedG4352 the dragonG1404 whichG3739 gaveG1325 powerG1849 to the beast:G2342 and they worshippedG4352 the beast,G2342 saying,G3004 WhoG5101 is likeG3664 to the beast?G2342 whoG5101 is ableG1410 to makeG4170 warG4170 with him?
And there was givenG1325 to him a mouthG4750 speakingG2980 greatG3173 things and blasphemies;G988 and powerG1849 was givenG1325 to him to continueG4160 fortyG5062 and twoG1417 months.G3376
And he openedG455 his mouthG4750 in blasphemyG988 againstG4314 God,G2316 to blasphemeG987 his name,G3686 and his tabernacle,G4633 and them that dwellG4637 in heaven.G3772
And it was givenG1325 to him to makeG4160 warG4171 with the saints,G40 and to overcomeG3528 them: and powerG1849 was givenG1325 him overG1909 allG3956 kindreds,G5443 and tongues,G1100 and nations.G1484
And allG3956 that dwellG2730 on the earthG1093 shall worshipG4352 him, whoseG3739 namesG3686 are not writtenG1125 in the bookG976 of lifeG2222 of the LambG721 slainG4969 from the foundationG2602 of the world.G2889
IfG1487 anyG1536 man haveG2192 an ear,G3775 let him hear.G191
He that leadsG4863 into captivityG161 shall goG5217 intoG1519 captivity:G161 he that killsG615 with the swordG3162 mustG1163 be killedG615 with the sword.G3162 HereG5602 is the patienceG5281 and the faithG4102 of the saints.G40
And I beheldG1492 anotherG243 beastG2342 comingG305 up out of the earth;G1093 and he hadG2192 twoG1417 hornsG2768 likeG3664 a lamb,G721 and he spokeG2980 as a dragon.G1404
And he excercisesG4160 allG3956 the powerG1849 of the firstG4413 beastG2342 beforeG1799 him, and causesG4160 the earthG1093 and them which dwellG2730 thereinG1722 G846 to worshipG4352 the firstG4413 beast,G2342 whoseG3739 deadlyG2288 woundG4127 was healed.G2323
And he doesG4160 greatG3173 wonders,G4592 soG2443 that he makesG4160 fireG4442 comeG2597 downG2597 from heavenG3772 onG1519 the earthG1093 in the sightG1799 of men,G444
And deceivesG4105 them that dwellG2730 onG1909 the earthG1093 by the means of thoseG3588 miraclesG4592 whichG3739 he had powerG1325 to doG4160 in the sightG1799 of the beast;G2342 sayingG3004 to them that dwellG2730 onG1909 the earth,G1093 that they should makeG4160 an imageG1504 to the beast,G2342 whichG3739 hadG2192 the woundG4127 by a sword,G3162 and did live.G2198
And he had powerG1325 to giveG1325 lifeG4151 to the imageG1504 of the beast,G2342 that the imageG1504 of the beastG2342 should bothG2532 speak,G2980 and causeG4160 that as manyG3745 as would not worshipG4352 the imageG1504 of the beastG2342 should be killed.G615
And he causesG4160 all,G3956 both smallG3398 and great,G3173 richG4145 and poor,G4434 freeG1658 and bond,G1401 to receiveG1325 a markG5480 in their rightG1188 hand,G5495 orG2228 in their foreheads:G3359
And that noG3361 manG5100 mightG1410 buyG59 orG2228 sell,G4453 saveG1508 he that hadG2192 the mark,G5480 orG2228 the nameG3686 of the beast,G2342 orG2228 the numberG706 of his name.G3686
HereG5602 is wisdom.G4678 Let him that hasG2192 understandingG3563 countG5585 the numberG706 of the beast:G2342 for it is the numberG706 of a man;G444 and his numberG706 is SixG5516 hundredG5516 three scoreG5516 and six.G5516