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Ephesians chapter 2

Bible Version
And you has he quickened, who were deadG3498 in trespassesG3900 and sins;G266
WhereinG1722 G3757 in timeG4218 past you walkedG4043 accordingG2596 to the courseG165 of thisG5127 world,G2889 accordingG2596 to the princeG758 of the powerG1849 of the air,G109 the spiritG4151 that nowG3568 worksG1754 in the childrenG5207 of disobedience:G543
AmongG1722 whomG3739 alsoG2532 we allG3956 had our conversationG390 in timesG4218 past in the lustsG1939 of our flesh,G4561 fulfillingG4160 the desiresG2307 of the fleshG4561 and of the mind;G1271 and were by natureG5449 the childrenG5043 of wrath,G3709 evenG2532 as others.G3062
But God,G2316 who is richG4145 in mercy,G1656 for his greatG4183 loveG26 with whichG3739 he lovedG25 us,
EvenG2532 when we were deadG3498 in sins,G3900 has quickenedG4806 us togetherG4806 with Christ,G5547 (by graceG5485 you are saved;G4982)
And has raisedG4891 us up together,G4891 and madeG4776 us sitG4776 togetherG4776 in heavenlyG2032 places in ChristG5547 Jesus:G2424
That in the agesG165 to comeG1904 he might showG1731 the exceedingG5235 richesG4149 of his graceG5485 in his kindnessG5544 towardG1909 us throughG1722 ChristG5547 Jesus.G2424
For by graceG5485 are you savedG4982 throughG1223 faith;G4102 and that not of yourselves:G5216 it is the giftG1435 of God:G2316
Not of works,G2041 lestG2443 G3361 anyG5100 man should boast.G2744
For we are his workmanship,G4161 createdG2936 in ChristG5547 JesusG2424 to goodG18 works,G2041 whichG3739 GodG2316 has beforeG4282 ordainedG4282 that we should walkG4043 in them.
WhyG1352 remember,G3421 that you being in timeG4218 past GentilesG1484 in the flesh,G4561 whoG3588 are calledG3004 UncircumcisionG203 by that whichG3588 is calledG3004 the CircumcisionG4061 in the fleshG4561 madeG5499 by hands;G5499
That atG1722 that timeG2540 you were withoutG5565 Christ,G5547 being aliensG526 from the commonwealthG4174 of Israel,G2474 and strangersG3581 from the covenantsG1242 of promise,G1860 havingG2192 noG3361 hope,G1680 and withoutG112 GodG112 in the world:G2889
But nowG3570 in ChristG5547 JesusG2424 you whoG3739 sometimesG4218 were farG3112 offG3112 are madeG1096 nearG1451 by the bloodG129 of Christ.G5547
For he is our peace,G1515 whoG3739 has madeG4160 bothG297 one,G1520 and has brokenG3089 down the middleG3320 wall of partitionG5418 between us;
Having abolishedG2673 in his fleshG4561 the enmity,G2189 even the lawG3551 of commandmentsG1785 contained in ordinances;G1378 for to makeG2936 in himselfG1438 of twoG1417 oneG1520 newG2537 man,G444 so makingG4160 peace;G1515
And that he might reconcileG604 bothG297 to GodG2316 in oneG1520 bodyG4983 by the cross,G4716 having slainG615 the enmityG2189 thereby:G1722
And cameG2064 and preachedG2097 peaceG1515 to you whichG3588 were afarG3112 off, and to them that were near.G1451
For throughG1223 him we bothG297 haveG2192 accessG4318 by oneG1520 SpiritG4151 to the Father.G3962
NowG3767 thereforeG686 you are noG3765 moreG3765 strangersG3581 and foreigners,G3941 but fellow citizensG4847 with the saints,G40 and of the householdG3609 of God;G2316
And are builtG2026 on the foundationG2310 of the apostlesG652 and prophets,G4396 JesusG2424 ChristG5547 himselfG848 beingG5607 the chiefG204 cornerG204 stone;
In whomG3739 allG3956 the buildingG3619 fitlyG4883 framedG4883 togetherG4883 growsG837 to an holyG40 templeG3485 in the Lord:G2962
In whomG3739 you alsoG2532 are builtG4925 togetherG4925 for an habitationG2732 of GodG2316 throughG1722 the Spirit.G4151