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Acts chapter 23

Bible Version
And Paul,G3972 earnestlyG816 beholdingG816 the council,G4892 said,G2036 MenG435 and brothers,G80 I have livedG4176 in allG3956 goodG18 conscienceG4893 before GodG2316 untilG891 thisG5026 day.G2250
And the highG749 priestG749 AnaniasG367 commandedG2004 them that stoodG3936 by him to smiteG5180 him on the mouth.G4750
ThenG5119 saidG2036 PaulG3972 to him, GodG2316 shall smiteG5180 you, you white washedG2867 wall:G5109 for sitG2521 you to judgeG2919 me afterG2596 the law,G3551 and commandG2753 me to be smittenG5180 contraryG3891 to the law?G3891
And they that stoodG3936 by said,G2036 RevileG3058 you God'sG2316 highG749 priest?G749
ThenG5037 saidG5346 Paul,G3972 I knewG1492 not, brothers,G80 that he was the highG749 priest:G749 for it is written,G1125 You shall not speakG2046 evilG2560 of the rulerG758 of your people.G2992
But when PaulG3972 perceivedG1097 that the oneG1520 partG3313 were Sadducees,G4523 and the otherG2087 Pharisees,G5330 he criedG2896 out in the council,G4892 MenG435 and brothers,G80 I amG1510 a Pharisee,G5330 the sonG5207 of a Pharisee:G5330 of the hopeG1680 and resurrectionG386 of the deadG3498 I am calledG2919 in question.G2919
And when he had soG5124 said,G2980 there aroseG1096 a dissensionG4714 between the PhariseesG5330 and the Sadducees:G4523 and the multitudeG4128 was divided.G4977
For the SadduceesG4523 sayG3004 that there is noG3361 resurrection,G386 neitherG3366 angel,G32 norG3383 spirit:G4151 but the PhariseesG5330 confessG3670 both.G297
And there aroseG1096 a greatG3173 cry:G2906 and the scribesG1122 that were of the Pharisees'G5330 partG3313 arose,G450 and strove,G1264 saying,G3004 We findG2147 noG3762 evilG2556 in thisG5129 man:G444 but ifG1487 a spiritG4151 orG2228 an angelG32 has spokenG2980 to him, let us not fightG2313 against God.G2313
And when there aroseG1096 a greatG4183 dissension,G4714 the chiefG5506 captain,G5506 fearingG2125 lestG3361 PaulG3972 should have been pulledG1288 in piecesG1288 of them, commandedG2753 the soldiersG4753 to goG2597 down,G2597 and to takeG726 him by forceG726 from amongG3319 them, and to bringG71 him intoG1519 the castle.G3925
And the nightG3571 following the LordG2962 stoodG2186 by him, and said,G2036 Be of good cheer,G2293 Paul:G3972 for as you have testifiedG1263 of me in Jerusalem,G2419 soG3779 mustG1163 you bearG3140 witnessG3140 alsoG2532 atG1519 Rome.G4516
And when it was day,G2250 certainG5100 of the JewsG2453 bandedG4160 G4963 together,G4963 and boundG332 themselvesG1438 underG332 a curse,G332 sayingG3004 that they would neitherG3383 eatG5315 nor drinkG4095 tillG2193 they had killedG615 Paul.G3972
And they were moreG4119 than fortyG5062 whichG3588 had madeG4160 thisG5026 conspiracy.G4945
And they cameG4334 to the chiefG749 priestsG749 and elders,G4245 and said,G2036 We have boundG332 ourselvesG1438 underG332 a great curse,G332 that we will eatG1089 nothingG3367 untilG2193 we have slainG615 Paul.G3972
NowG3568 thereforeG3767 you with the councilG4892 signifyG1718 to the chiefG5506 captainG5506 that he bringG2609 him downG2609 to you to morrow,G839 as though you wouldG3195 inquireG1231 something moreG197 perfectlyG197 concerningG4012 him: and we, orG4253 everG4253 he comeG1448 near,G1448 are readyG2092 to killG337 him.
And when Paul'sG3972 sister'sG79 sonG5207 heardG191 of their lying in wait,G1747 he wentG3854 and enteredG1525 intoG1519 the castle,G3925 and toldG518 Paul.G3972
ThenG1161 PaulG3972 calledG4341 oneG1520 of the centurionsG1543 to him, and said,G5346 BringG520 thisG5126 youngG3494 manG3494 to the chiefG5506 captain:G5506 for he hasG2192 a certainG5100 thing to tellG518 him.
SoG3767 he tookG3880 him, and broughtG71 him to the chiefG5506 captain,G5506 and said,G5346 PaulG3972 the prisonerG1198 calledG4341 me to him, and prayedG2065 me to bringG71 thisG5126 youngG3494 manG3494 to you, who hasG2192 somethingG5100 to sayG2980 to you.
ThenG1161 the chiefG5506 captainG5506 tookG1949 him by the hand,G5495 and wentG402 with him asideG402 privately,G2596 G2398 and askedG2065 him, WhatG5101 is that you haveG2192 to tellG518 me?
And he said,G2036 The JewsG2453 have agreedG4934 to desireG2065 you that you would bringG2609 downG2609 PaulG3972 to morrowG839 intoG1519 the council,G4892 as though they wouldG3195 inquireG4441 somewhatG5100 of him moreG197 perfectly.G197
But do not you yieldG3982 to them: for there lie in waitG1748 for him of them moreG4119 than fortyG5062 men,G435 whichG3748 have boundG332 themselvesG1438 with an oath,G332 that they will neitherG3383 eatG5315 nor drinkG4095 tillG2193 they have killedG337 him: and nowG3568 are they ready,G2092 lookingG4327 for a promiseG1860 from you.
SoG3767 the chiefG5506 captainG5506 then letG630 the youngG3494 manG3494 depart,G630 and chargedG3853 him, See you tellG1583 noG3367 manG3367 that you have showedG1718 theseG5023 things to me.
And he calledG4341 to him twoG1417 centurions,G1543 saying,G2036 MakeG2090 readyG2090 twoG1250 hundredG1250 soldiersG4757 to goG4198 to Caesarea,G2542 and horsemenG2460 three scoreG1440 and ten, and spearmenG1187 twoG1250 hundred,G1250 atG575 the thirdG5154 hourG5610 of the night;G3571
And provideG3936 them beasts,G2934 that they may setG1913 PaulG3972 on,G1913 and bringG1295 him safeG1295 to FelixG5344 the governor.G2232
And he wroteG1125 a letterG1992 afterG4023 thisG5126 manner:G5179
ClaudiusG2804 LysiasG3079 to the mostG2903 excellentG2903 governorG2232 FelixG5344 sends greeting.G5463
ThisG5126 manG435 was takenG4815 of the Jews,G2453 and shouldG3195 have been killedG615 of them: then cameG2186 I with an army,G4753 and rescuedG1807 him, having understoodG3129 that he was a Roman.G4514
And when I would have knownG1097 the causeG156 whyG1223 G3739 they accusedG1458 him, I broughtG2609 him forthG2609 intoG1519 their council:G4892
WhomG3739 I perceivedG2147 to be accusedG1458 of questionsG2213 of their law,G3551 but to haveG2192 nothingG3367 laidG1462 to his chargeG1462 worthyG514 of deathG336 orG2228 of bonds.G1199
And when it was toldG3377 me how that the JewsG2453 laidG2071 waitG1917 for the man,G435 I sentG3992 straightwayG1824 to you, and gave commandmentG3853 to his accusersG2725 alsoG2532 to sayG3004 beforeG1909 you whatG3588 they had againstG4314 him. Farewell.G4517
ThenG3767 the soldiers,G4757 as it was commandedG1299 them, tookG353 Paul,G3972 and broughtG71 him by nightG3571 to Antipatris.G494
On the morrowG1887 they leftG1439 the horsemenG2460 to goG4198 with him, and returnedG5290 to the castle:G3925
Who,G3748 when they cameG1525 to Caesarea G2542and deliveredG325 the letterG1992 to the governor,G2232 presentedG3936 PaulG3972 alsoG2532 before him.
And when the governorG2232 had readG314 the letter, he askedG1905 of whatG4169 provinceG1885 he was. And when he understoodG4441 that he was of Cilicia;G2791
I will hearG1251 you, saidG5346 he, whenG3752 yourG4675 accusersG2725 are alsoG2532 come.G3854 And he commandedG2753 him to be keptG5442 in Herod'sG2264 judgmentG4232 hall.G4232