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Версия Библии
That whichG3739 was from the beginning,G746 whichG3739 we have heard,G191 whichG3739 we have seenG3708 with our eyes,G3788 whichG3739 we have lookedG2300 on, and our handsG5495 have handled,G5584 of the WordG3056 of life;G2222
(For the lifeG2222 was manifested,G5319 and we have seenG3708 it, and bearG3140 witness,G3140 and showG518 to you that eternalG166 life,G2222 whichG3748 was with the Father,G3962 and was manifestedG5319 to us;)
That whichG3739 we have seenG3708 and heardG191 declareG518 we to you, that you alsoG2532 may haveG2192 fellowshipG2842 with us: and trulyG1161 our fellowshipG2842 is with the Father,G3962 and with his SonG5207 JesusG2424 Christ.G5547
And theseG5023 things writeG1125 we to you, that yourG5216 joyG5479 may be full.G4137
ThisG3778 thenG2532 is the messageG1860 whichG3739 we have heardG191 of him, and declareG312 to you, that GodG2316 is light,G5457 and in him is noG3756 darknessG4653 atG3762 all.G3762
IfG1437 we sayG2036 that we haveG2192 fellowshipG2842 with him, and walkG4043 in darkness,G4655 we lie,G5574 and doG4160 not the truth:G225
But ifG1437 we walkG4043 in the light,G5457 as he is in the light,G5457 we haveG2192 fellowshipG2842 oneG3391 with another,G240 and the bloodG129 of JesusG2424 ChristG5547 his SonG5207 cleansG2511 us from allG3956 sin.G266
IfG1437 we sayG2036 that we haveG2192 noG3756 sin,G266 we deceiveG4105 ourselves,G1438 and the truthG225 is not in us.
IfG1437 we confessG3670 our sins,G266 he is faithfulG4103 and justG1342 to forgiveG863 us our sins,G266 and to cleanseG2511 us from allG3956 unrighteousness.G93
IfG1437 we sayG2036 that we have not sinned,G264 we makeG4160 him a liar,G5583 and his wordG3056 is not in us.
Родился в 1965 году в Запорожской области, на Украине. В августе 1987 года принял святое водное крещение. В 1997 году был избран на диаконское служение.
Григорий Кронин
Главный Пастор
Родился в Киргизии, в г. Фрунзе. Вырос в большой христианской семье. С малых лет родители и бабушка познакомили Александра с Богом Создателем и Спасителем Иисусом Христом.
Александр Тишенко
Деннис Смирнов