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Версия Библии
ThisG3588 is a trueG4103 saying,G3056 IfG1487 a manG5100 desireG3713 the officeG1984 of a bishop,G1984 he desiresG1937 a goodG2570 work.G2041
A bishopG1985 thenG3767 mustG1163 be blameless,G423 the husbandG435 of oneG3391 wife,G1135 vigilant,G3524 sober,G4998 of good behavior,G2887 given to hospitality,G5382 aptG1317 to teach;G1317
Not givenG3943 to wine,G3943 noG3361 striker,G4131 not greedyG866 of filthy lucre;G866 but patient,G1933 not a brawler,G269 not covetous;G866
One that rulesG4291 wellG2573 his ownG2398 house,G3624 havingG2192 his childrenG5043 in subjectionG5292 with allG3956 gravity;G4587
(For ifG1487 a manG5100 knowG1492 not how to ruleG4291 his ownG2398 house,G3624 howG4459 shall he take careG1959 of the churchG1577 of God?G2316)
Not a novice,G3504 lestG2443 G3361 being liftedG5187 up with prideG5187 he fallG1706 intoG1519 the condemnationG2917 of the devil.G1228
MoreoverG1161 he mustG1163 haveG2192 a goodG2570 reportG3141 of them which are without;G1855 lestG2443 G3361 he fall intoG1519 reproachG3680 and the snareG3803 of the devil.G1228
LikewiseG5615 must the deaconsG1249 be grave,G4586 not double-tongued,G1351 not givenG4337 to muchG4183 wine,G3631 not greedyG146 of filthy lucre;G146
HoldingG2192 the mysteryG3466 of the faithG4102 in a pureG2513 conscience.G4893
And let theseG3778 alsoG2532 firstG4412 be proved;G1381 thenG1534 let them use the officeG1247 of a deacon,G1247 beingG5607 found blameless.G410
EvenG5615 soG5615 must their wivesG1135 be grave,G4586 not slanderers,G1228 sober,G3524 faithfulG4103 in allG3956 things.
Let the deaconsG1249 be the husbandsG435 of oneG3391 wife,G1135 rulingG4291 their childrenG5043 and their ownG2398 housesG3624 well.G2573
For they that have usedG1247 the officeG1247 of a deaconG1247 wellG2573 purchaseG4046 to themselvesG1438 a goodG2570 degree,G898 and greatG4183 boldnessG3954 in the faithG4102 whichG3588 is in ChristG5547 Jesus.G2424
TheseG5023 things writeG1125 I to you, hopingG1679 to comeG2064 to you shortly:G5032
But ifG1437 I tarryG1019 long, that you may knowG1492 howG4459 you oughtG1163 to behaveG390 yourself in the houseG3624 of God,G2316 whichG3748 is the churchG1577 of the livingG2198 God,G2316 the pillarG4769 and groundG1477 of the truth.G225
And withoutG3672 controversyG3672 greatG3173 is the mysteryG3466 of godliness:G2150 GodG2316 was manifestG5319 in the flesh,G4561 justifiedG1344 in the Spirit,G4151 seenG3700 of angels,G32 preachedG2784 to the Gentiles,G1484 believedG4100 on in the world,G2889 receivedG353 up intoG1722 glory.G1391
Родился в 1965 году в Запорожской области, на Украине. В августе 1987 года принял святое водное крещение. В 1997 году был избран на диаконское служение.
Григорий Кронин
Главный Пастор
Родился в Киргизии, в г. Фрунзе. Вырос в большой христианской семье. С малых лет родители и бабушка познакомили Александра с Богом Создателем и Спасителем Иисусом Христом.
Александр Тишенко
Деннис Смирнов