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Версия Библии
FurthermoreG3063 thenG3767 we beseechG2065 you, brothers,G80 and exhortG3870 you by the LordG2962 Jesus,G2424 that as you haveG2192 receivedG3880 of us howG4459 you oughtG1163 to walkG4043 and to pleaseG700 God,G2316 so you would aboundG4052 moreG3123 and more.G3123
For you knowG1492 whatG5101 commandmentsG3852 we gaveG1325 you by the LordG2962 Jesus.G2424
For thisG5124 is the willG2307 of God,G2316 even yourG5216 sanctification,G38 that you should abstainG567 from fornication:G4202
That everyG1538 one of you should knowG1492 how to possessG2932 his vesselG4632 in sanctificationG38 and honor;G5092
Not in the lustG3806 of concupiscence,G1939 evenG2532 as the GentilesG1484 whichG3588 knowG1492 not God:G2316
That noG3361 man goG5233 beyondG5233 and defraudG4122 his brotherG80 in any matter:G4229 becauseG1360 that the LordG2962 is the avengerG1558 of allG3956 such,G5130 as we alsoG2532 haveG2192 forewarnedG4277 you and testified.G1263
For GodG2316 has not calledG2564 us to uncleanness,G167 but to holiness.G38
He thereforeG5105 that despises,G114 despisesG114 not man,G444 but God,G2316 who has alsoG2532 givenG1325 to us his holyG40 Spirit.G4151
But as touchingG4012 brotherlyG5360 loveG5360 you needG5532 not that I writeG1125 to you: for you yourselvesG846 are taughtG2312 of GodG2312 to loveG25 oneG240 another.G240
And indeedG1063 you doG4160 it towardG1519 allG3956 the brothersG80 whichG3588 are in allG3650 Macedonia:G3109 but we beseechG3870 you, brothers,G80 that you increaseG4052 moreG3123 and more;G3123
And that you studyG5389 to be quiet,G2270 and to doG4238 yourG2398 ownG2398 business,G2398 and to workG2038 with yourG2398 ownG2398 hands,G5495 as we commandedG3853 you;
That you may walkG4043 honestlyG2156 towardG4314 them that are without,G1854 and that you may haveG2192 lackG5532 of nothing.G3367
But I wouldG2309 not have you to be ignorant,G50 brothers,G80 concerningG4012 them which are asleep,G2837 that you sorrowG3076 not, evenG2532 as othersG3062 whichG3588 haveG2192 noG3361 hope.G1680
For ifG1487 we believeG4100 that JesusG2424 diedG599 and roseG450 again,G450 even soG3779 them alsoG2532 which sleepG2837 in JesusG2424 will GodG2316 bringG71 with him.
For thisG5124 we sayG3004 to you by the wordG3056 of the Lord,G2962 that we whichG3588 are aliveG2198 and remainG4035 to the comingG3952 of the LordG2962 shall not precedeG5348 them whichG3588 are asleep.G2837
For the LordG2962 himselfG846 shall descendG2597 from heavenG3772 with a shout,G2752 with the voiceG5456 of the archangel,G743 and with the trumpG4536 of God:G2316 and the deadG3498 in ChristG5547 shall riseG450 first:G4412
ThenG1899 we whichG3588 are aliveG2198 and remainG4035 shall be caughtG726 up togetherG260 with them in the clouds,G3507 to meetG529 the LordG2962 in the air:G109 and soG3779 shall we everG3842 be with the Lord.G2962
WhyG5620 comfortG3870 oneG240 anotherG240 with theseG5125 words.G3056
Родился в 1965 году в Запорожской области, на Украине. В августе 1987 года принял святое водное крещение. В 1997 году был избран на диаконское служение.
Григорий Кронин
Главный Пастор
Родился в Киргизии, в г. Фрунзе. Вырос в большой христианской семье. С малых лет родители и бабушка познакомили Александра с Богом Создателем и Спасителем Иисусом Христом.
Александр Тишенко
Деннис Смирнов