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2-е Коринфянам глава 7

Версия Библии
HavingG2192 thereforeG3767 theseG5025 promises,G1860 dearly beloved,G27 let us cleanseG2511 ourselvesG1438 from allG3956 filthinessG3436 of the fleshG4561 and spirit,G4151 perfectingG2005 holinessG42 in the fearG5401 of God.G2316
ReceiveG5562 us; we have wrongedG91 noG3762 man,G3762 we have corruptedG5351 noG3762 man,G3762 we have defraudedG4122 noG3762 man.G3762
I speakG3004 not this to condemnG2633 you: for I have saidG4280 before,G4280 that you are in our heartsG2588 to dieG4880 and liveG4800 with you.
GreatG4183 is my boldnessG3954 of speech towardG4314 you, greatG4183 is my gloryingG2746 of you: I am filledG4137 with comfort,G3874 I am exceedingG5248 joyfulG5479 in allG3956 our tribulation.G2347
For, when we were comeG2064 intoG1519 Macedonia,G3109 our fleshG4561 hadG2192 noG3762 rest,G425 but we were troubledG2346 onG1722 everyG3956 side; withoutG1855 were fights,G3163 withinG2081 were fears.G5401
NeverthelessG235 God,G2316 that comfortsG3870 thoseG3588 that are castG5011 down,G5011 comfortedG3870 us by the comingG3952 of Titus;G5103
And not by his comingG3952 only,G3440 but by the consolationG3874 with whichG3739 he was comfortedG3870 in you, when he toldG312 us yourG5216 earnestG1972 desire,G1972 yourG5216 mourning,G3602 yourG5216 ferventG2205 mindG3563 towardG5228 me; soG5620 that I rejoicedG5463 the more.G3123
For thoughG1499 I madeG3076 you sorryG3076 with a letter,G1992 I do not repent,G3338 thoughG1499 I did repent:G3338 for I perceiveG991 that the sameG1565 letterG1992 has madeG3076 you sorry,G3076 thoughG1499 it were but for a season.G5610
NowG3568 I rejoice,G5463 not that you were madeG3076 sorry,G3076 but that you sorrowedG3076 to repentance:G3341 for you were madeG3076 sorryG3076 afterG2596 a godlyG2596 G2316 manner, that you might receiveG2210 damageG2210 by us in nothing.G3367
For godlyG2596 G2316 sorrowG3077 worksG2716 repentanceG3341 to salvationG4991 not to be repentedG278 of: but the sorrowG3077 of the worldG2889 worksG2716 death.G2288
For beholdG2400 thisG5124 selfsameG846 thing, that you sorrowedG3076 afterG2596 a godlyG2596 G2316 sort, whatG4214 carefulnessG4710 it workedG2716 in you, yes,G235 what clearingG627 of yourselves, yes,G235 what indignation,G24 yes,G235 what fear,G5401 yes,G235 what vehementG1972 desire,G1972 yes,G235 what zeal,G2205 yes,G235 what revenge!G1557 In allG3956 things you have approvedG4921 yourselvesG1438 to be clearG53 in thisG3588 matter.G4229
Why,G686 thoughG1499 I wroteG1125 to you, I did it not for his causeG1752 that had doneG91 the wrong,G91 norG3761 for his causeG1752 that suffered wrong,G91 but that our careG4710 for you in the sightG1799 of GodG2316 might appearG5319 to you.
ThereforeG1223 G5124 we were comfortedG3870 in yourG5213 comfort:G3874 yes, and exceedinglyG4056 the moreG3123 joyedG5463 we for the joyG5479 of Titus,G5103 becauseG3754 his spiritG4151 was refreshedG373 by you all.G3956
For ifG1487 I have boastedG2744 anyG1536 thing to him of you, I am not ashamed;G2617 but as we spokeG2980 allG3956 things to you in truth,G225 evenG2532 soG3779 our boasting,G2746 whichG3588 I made beforeG1909 Titus,G5103 is foundG1096 a truth.G225
And his inwardG4698 affectionG4698 is moreG4056 abundantG4056 towardG1519 you, whilst he remembersG363 the obedienceG5218 of you all,G3956 howG5613 with fearG5401 and tremblingG5156 you receivedG1209 him.
I rejoiceG5463 therefore that I have confidenceG2292 in you in allG3956 things.
Родился в 1965 году в Запорожской области, на Украине. В августе 1987 года принял святое водное крещение. В 1997 году был избран на диаконское служение.
Григорий Кронин
Главный Пастор
Родился в Киргизии, в г. Фрунзе. Вырос в большой христианской семье. С малых лет родители и бабушка познакомили Александра с Богом Создателем и Спасителем Иисусом Христом.
Александр Тишенко
Деннис Смирнов